February 2024

Team Menus Now Available

Both Leo and Lisa have selected their main Cooking Contest menu items. You can see Leo's here, and Lisa's here. You can also get to both pages through the main menu.

Both of the teams have only posted their main courses, and are holding back on sides, extras, and perhaps some special surprises.

Start getting hungry!

Itinerary Updates

There have been a few updates to the Itinerary. Cooking team order is set, and the Pajama Games are slotted for the evening of Day 2.

Cooking Contest Judging Criteria

Peggy and her team have finalized the judging criteria for the cooking contest. Here is the complete set:
  1. Does the meal bring back memories of Mom, Dad, or both?
  2. Presentation/appearance (Is it pleasing to look at and presented nicely?)
  3. Aroma (Does it smell delicious, and maybe remind us of Mom or Dad?)
  4. Taste
  5. Texture
  6. What little “extras” do we notice during the meal preparation that remind us of Mom and/or Dad or “home”?
  7. Which team has more fun while cooking?
So we can all expect good food and good fun! Great job judging team!

Cooking Team Update

In a shocking turn of events, Lisa, being the super nice person that we all know and love, offered Leo the option to swap teammates so that he could have Kathi on his team. In an even more shocking development, Leo, being the ever-loyal team captain, declined that offer and chose to keep his original team members. Shocking!! So, the teams remain as originally published, and the game is on!

Announcing the inaugural Flobby Games!

What are the Flobby Games? Bobby was given an assignment to plan some activities for us at the house, and Felicia is helping him. Or, more accurately, Bobby is helping Felicia. They are planning some fun games, so I decided to combine their names, and we have, the Flobby Games! Felicia’s name is first because she is the one doing most (all) of the work.

Still, what exactly are the Flobbys? To help you wrap your head around it, let’s compare the Flobby Games to the better known, yet far less prestigious, Olympic Games.

The Olympic Games are scheduled by an international committee and occur precisely every four years. The Flobby Games are scheduled by a family of Polacks and occur whenever they can figure out how to get together. Could be a year, could be a decade. No-one knows.

Hosting the Olympic Games is a sought-after role that is considered a high honor. Hosting the Flobbys is left to some poor family member that somehow gets the job, and is considered a curse.

Olympic athletes are highly skilled and at the top of their games. World Records are expected to be broken. Flobby athletes don’t even know what games they will be playing and will probably embarrass themselves. Anything broken will likely require medical attention.

Winners of Olympic events receive valuable Gold, Silver and Bronze Medals. Winners of Flobby events may get some token trinket and should consider themselves lucky to get even that.

So that’s the Flobby Games! For more information, there is now a Flobby Games page in the menu. Check it out!

And the teams are set

Lisa jumped in second, effectively picking both her and Leo's teams. Well played Lisa, round one to you :)

Lisa's Team

  • Lisa
  • Kathi
  • Ray
  • Frank

Leo's Team

  • Leo
  • Bob
  • Ron
  • Roger
Leo and Lisa need to work with their teams to come up with a menu. However, you may want to ask Peggy if she thinks there will be any other rules that might influence your choices. Leo, when you have your menu let me know it is ready, but don't send it out until I tell you Lisa's is done and I am ready to publish them both.

All - if you see your spouses name on one of these lists, please let them know what team they are on! And also, that there is no getting out of it :)

Peggy picks first!

So Peggy jumped right on it and picked her team. No recruiting, no questions, just bam! So, the cooking contest judging team is:

  • Peggy
  • Pat
  • Cindy
  • Felicia

The next step for Peggy and her team is to come up with judging criteria so that the cooking teams know what they need to do to win. Stay tuned!

Bob, please let Felicia know she has been drafted.

We are still waiting for Leo and Lisa to pick their teams. Who will choose first?