Announcing the inaugural Flobby Games!

What are the Flobby Games? Bobby was given an assignment to plan some activities for us at the house, and Felicia is helping him. Or, more accurately, Bobby is helping Felicia. They are planning some fun games, so I decided to combine their names, and we have, the Flobby Games! Felicia’s name is first because she is the one doing most (all) of the work.

Still, what exactly are the Flobbys? To help you wrap your head around it, let’s compare the Flobby Games to the better known, yet far less prestigious, Olympic Games.

The Olympic Games are scheduled by an international committee and occur precisely every four years. The Flobby Games are scheduled by a family of Polacks and occur whenever they can figure out how to get together. Could be a year, could be a decade. No-one knows.

Hosting the Olympic Games is a sought-after role that is considered a high honor. Hosting the Flobbys is left to some poor family member that somehow gets the job, and is considered a curse.

Olympic athletes are highly skilled and at the top of their games. World Records are expected to be broken. Flobby athletes don’t even know what games they will be playing and will probably embarrass themselves. Anything broken will likely require medical attention.

Winners of Olympic events receive valuable Gold, Silver and Bronze Medals. Winners of Flobby events may get some token trinket and should consider themselves lucky to get even that.

So that’s the Flobby Games! For more information, there is now a Flobby Games page in the menu. Check it out!